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Te das cuenta que eres peculiar cuando en vez de mirar el reloj ves a la luna. A veces te detienes para observarla con detalle porque es demasiado cautivadora. La miras varias veces, casi como si fuera a desaparecer en cualquier momento. La miras como si fuera la única forma de saber si ya vas tarde a tu destino y necesitas apresurar el paso o si vas con mucho tiempo y puedes caminar lento. La miras como si te pudiera prevenir de algún desafortunado evento. Incluso cuando las nubes deciden cubrirla volteas a ver su silueta. Aquel lugar en el cielo nocturno que solo le pertenece a ella.


You realize that you are peculiar when you see the moon instead of looking at the clock.

Sometimes you stop to observe her in detail because she is too captivating.

You look at her several times, almost as if she might disappear at any moment.

You look at her as if it were the only way to know if you are already late for your destination and need to pick up the pace or if you have a lot of time and can stroll.

You look at her as if she could warn you of some unfortunate event.

Even when the clouds decide to cover her, you turn to see her silhouette. That place in the night sky that only belongs to her.

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